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GW Items - GW Hot Sale Items

Всего 35 товаров

Показать 24 продуктов
Заказ по умолчанию
Battle Isle Iced Tea * 200
Battle Isle Iced Tea * 200
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Delicious Cake * 200
Delicious Cake * 200
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Diessa Chalice * 50
Diessa Chalice * 50
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Droknar's Key
Droknar's Key
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Gold Zaishen Coin


Gold Zaishen Coin
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Kathandrax Hammer
Kathandrax Hammer
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Party Beacon * 200
Party Beacon * 200
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Rock Candy Package
Rock Candy Package
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Silver Zaishen Coin


Silver Zaishen Coin
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Wintersday Grab Bag
Wintersday Grab Bag
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Gift of the Traveler
Gift of the Traveler
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Consumable Set(con set)


Consumable Set(con set)
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7 Th Birthday Present
7 Th Birthday Present
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Black Dye * 5
Black Dye * 5
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Celestial Sigil
Celestial Sigil
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Deldrimor armor remnants * 5
Deldrimor armor remnants * 5
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Destroyer Core * 250
Destroyer Core * 250
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Heavy Equipment pack
Heavy Equipment pack
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Large Equipment Pack
Large Equipment Pack
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Passage Scroll to the Underworld * 250
Passage Scroll to the Underworld * 250
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Powerstone of Courage * 5
Powerstone of Courage * 5
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Primeval Armor Remnants * 5
Primeval Armor Remnants * 5
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Royal Gift * 100
Royal Gift * 100
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Guild Wars Hot Sale Items
You will receive the ordered amount of GW Hot Sell Items for your character in Guild Wars.
Delivery time:
We will deliver it with in 15-30 minutes. If you are in a hurry to get the goods, you can check the stock before placed the order in our Livechat.
Meeting point in Guild Wars:
There are different meeting points in the game, depending on the Guild Wars version you use.
Guild Wars (Standard):
Ascalon City, American District 1 at the Xunlai Chest.
Guild Wars Factions:
Shong Jea Monastery, American District 1 at the Xunlai Chest.
Guild Wars Nightfall:
Kamadan, Jewel of Istan, American District 1 at the Xunlai Chest.
Guild Wars PVP-Only Character:
Great Temple of Balthazar, American District 1 at the Xunlai Chest.

Новости игры
Will you still play Guild Wars 1
Will you still play Guild Wars 1

ОтMartin|April 10, 2021

The original Guild Wars first came out in 2005. By MMO standards, it’s ancient. Two developers have taken it upon themselves to keep the game alive and, in the process, have figured out how to make it better than it’s ever been.

Отзывы клиентов
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Seth Horus

Quick and helpful!

Изображение профиляAnna

thank you very much for your support, looking forward to your purchase again

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Thank you!